My encounter with Christ daily is through my sister. She has shown us everything. She has opened so many doors. I think the best way to encounter Christ is through the people you love most.
(age 18) Children's school Mass, Thursday, September 11
Gospel reading: "Love your Enemies" The children directed and acted out parts. The children "Got it." So did the adults, drawn by the truth so openly displayed as only children can. The children and adults alike had an encounter with our Teacher and we prayed for our enemies. I was somewhat reprimanded at my workplace this week for being careless and inconsiderate. After a heartfelt and honest apology and a sincere promise to change, my supervisor extended unexpected mercy, understanding, and grace to me- just a tiny glimpse of God's amazing mercy, grace, and love towards us - and the same that I should extend to others.
Homily: The Cross Carries You
Quote: "It is no longer you who carry the cross; it is the cross that carries you: The cross does not crush but exalts you." Only days later I was listening to a fellow parishioner talk of his experiences growing up. In the end he shared the story of the necessary responsibilities he shouldered for his handicapped brother, finishing with the truth of the matter as he relayed, "And, you know, I can tell you, everything I became and accomplished I can credit to my brother." HADN'T I JUST HEARD THIS??? A class of First Communicants aged 7 and 8 was asked, "How did you encounter Christ this week?" (though prayer, scripture, an act of kindness, a peaceful, joyful, scary moment, etc) and here are some of their oh, so sweet responses:
* My friend gave me chips at a soccer game. * At the dinner table and at bed when we prayed I felt God. Each time I prayed he was there. * I know he was with me when I fell face first on the cement and it hurt a lot. * When I was scared. * I won a soccer game. I know what the score was - it was 8 to 1- and we gave a fist bump to the referee - it was God. * My encounter with Christ was when last night we watched Dolphin Tale and my family watched, too. It was relaxing and fun. We were driving with a van full of girls, ages 10 and under, windows rolled down, and all singing "All the People Say Amen" at the top of our lungs. There was Christ right at the center.
My encounter with Christ today was in music and entertaining at a nursing home, including beautiful hymns. Also in teaching children to play music and sing.
Always be helpful to people when they need support. God does not make junk. They come unglued. But God re-glues them before they leave this life. Love, care and share when one needs our support. God puts us here to do a job. When it is complete, we will leave. - (age 81)
This week, we experienced the death of family member, Ron, who brought a lot of laughter to our lives, and who loved finches.
All spring and summer I've been awestruck by the coneflowers in my yard as I've taken pictures of the butterflies and bees that come to feed. For the first time today a finch sat still long enough for me to take his picture. When I look at the fading flowers and the bright yellow finch, I am reminded and forever grateful that with death comes new life. Please pray for Ron and his family. |
July 2015