My two children recently attended vacation Bible school here at Immaculate where they learned more about how to think like Jesus, talk like Jesus, and act like Jesus. Then, the South Carolina murders of 9 people during bible study happened. My children asked me why God would let such a terrible thing happen, in a church. Their question gave me a reason to think like Jesus about why bad things happen, and I was able to talk like Jesus, about free will. I told my children that God never left Jesus when he died, and that God is still with Jesus now. God was with the 9 people who were murdered, and even in death he never leaves us. Free will means bad things are going to happen and it is up to us all to choose to act like Jesus so we too can go to heaven when we die. At the end of our talk we prayed, that the 9 people are at peace and that God have mercy on the murder's soul. In this small way, I too learned more about how to think like Jesus, talk like Jesus, and act like Jesus.
The Canticle of Spencer
See the vastness of the Lord's strength & mercy, To show such goodness to one like me. His wisdom is far above, and I far below. Yet, upon me, a great grace does He bestow. He calls upon me to be like He is: To love as He loves and give as He gives; To forgive, to follow, and to father; To lead my family further and further. He calls me to do things that are impossible, Yet, in His unfailing justice He makes them possible. You equip us for the work of our call, Oh Lord, always providing for us all. You are faithful and in You we can trust, For to all you are generous, loving, merciful, and just. I marvel in His victory I stand in awe of His mercy, but above all I am speechless that He wants me as His witness. He is the Prince of Peace, our one Mediator Yet he wishes me to be His ambassador. He redeems us and saves us from sin, but that is not all. He commissions us, sends us, and saves us for His great purpose, His call. I praise that He brings us together as one, In a unity that none thought could be done. But, Lord, when we still feel alone, abandoned, and at a loss, remind us that we can find you waiting for us on the Cross. I was somewhat reprimanded at my workplace this week for being careless and inconsiderate. After a heartfelt and honest apology and a sincere promise to change, my supervisor extended unexpected mercy, understanding, and grace to me- just a tiny glimpse of God's amazing mercy, grace, and love towards us - and the same that I should extend to others.
July 2015