At the Encountering Christ through Mary retreat, when asked to write my own personal Magnificat, I decided instead, to come up with an image. Words don’t come easy to me. I am more of a picture person. In place of a song of praise, I would have an image of praise.
I brainstormed times in my life when I had encountered Christ, categorizing them into three groups: times I had encountered Christ through the Sacraments, times of great joy, and “other” times I had felt the presence of God. I then tried to think of an element or symbol that depicted each of these three categories for my image of praise to God. The Canticle of Spencer
See the vastness of the Lord's strength & mercy, To show such goodness to one like me. His wisdom is far above, and I far below. Yet, upon me, a great grace does He bestow. He calls upon me to be like He is: To love as He loves and give as He gives; To forgive, to follow, and to father; To lead my family further and further. He calls me to do things that are impossible, Yet, in His unfailing justice He makes them possible. You equip us for the work of our call, Oh Lord, always providing for us all. You are faithful and in You we can trust, For to all you are generous, loving, merciful, and just. I marvel in His victory I stand in awe of His mercy, but above all I am speechless that He wants me as His witness. He is the Prince of Peace, our one Mediator Yet he wishes me to be His ambassador. He redeems us and saves us from sin, but that is not all. He commissions us, sends us, and saves us for His great purpose, His call. I praise that He brings us together as one, In a unity that none thought could be done. But, Lord, when we still feel alone, abandoned, and at a loss, remind us that we can find you waiting for us on the Cross. The Advent retreat was truly an encounter with Christ! How awesome!
My "Magnificat" To my God, my Heavenly Father: From an early age you have been my Rock. With comforting arms you have held me like a real father. You have been my counsel, giving me your word to guide my life. Each road that I have chosen you have walked with me. You have never left my side. You have shown me unending mercy and love. You know my inner soul and weaknesses and love me all the more. To Jesus Christ, my savior: You have been my loving shepherd. Leading me always back to my Father. You are my redeemer. Your sacrifice has saved my life. You continue to constantly shepherd and feed me through your loving, faithful church. Your life is my guide. Your gentle care is a constant reminder of your great love for me. Beautiful Holy Spirit: You are my protector and my guide. You flow through my life and open my heart. You pray to my Father for me when I do not know the words. You fill me with the strength to keep fighting the spiritual warfare and keep my eyes on the prize. My Magnificat
Love Incarnate You breathed in me and gave me life. You placed Your Spirit as a holy flame burning deep within me. You whispered Your love for me But my belief of unworthiness deafened my ears. You showed me love through the beauty of the world around me, But my vision was darkened by doubts and fears. You came into the world as one of us. LOVE BECAME INCARNATE! You healed my blindness and deafness Revealing the fire within me- Your Spirit of love With eyes wide open, this fire- Your love- becomes visible in all people- in all creation. You fuel the flames with Your grace through prayer, Word, and Sacrament. You send me forth So I can be like you….. Love Incarnate. My Magnificat of Thanksgiving
I thank you from the depths of my heart for revealing your amazing love to me through the people and events in my life and through Scripture, for giving me a purpose, for showing me the path to walk, for protecting me from the dangers of the world, for bringing me family and friends to help me grow closer to you, and for always providing for all of my needs. Thank you for using me on Your team despite my imperfections, my insecurities, my weaknesses, my sinfulness. I have watched you transform lives and provide healing from illness, addictions, broken relationships, lack of faith, and loneliness. I have seen you provide for families who live deep in poverty because they seek you first and have a community of brothers and sisters in Christ who care for them. Thank you for lovingly pursuing all of us, your precious children, and rescuing us from lives of insignificance and brokenness. Please help me proclaim your greatness to the world by being a vessel of your love, kindness, mercy, generosity, and grace. May I also, like Mary, be Your handmaid. Christ was very much present today during the Advent Retreat. Fr. Satish so beautifully led us (me) from our (my) state of being in imaginative prayer, to the manger with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. I was brought to tears. My eyes were closed and I was there. I was standing in front of Mary. It's amazing and I don't know how he does this. Being led into imaginative prayer by Fr. Satish is an experience no one should miss
After Father Satish's homily on "The Parable of our True Worth", I asked my pre-teen daughter how she wanted to look back on her life and be proud of herself. She proved herself much more mature and focused than I was at her age, and said she that wants to be a second grade teacher and "help others grow in their faith." The conversation led to me sharing my testimony with her, a great mother-daughter bonding experience, and encounters with Christ for both of us.
July 2015